Water is probably the single most important ingredient to human life, and therefore civilization. With four billion people facing water scarcity – and that number expected to climb as the climate changes – homebuilders (and buyers) have an obligation to design for efficiency and conservation.

Altruism aside, efficient water usage also saves money for the homeowner. According to the EPA, using efficient fixtures can save you as much as $380 per year in water costs!

Absolute Construction stays at the forefront of efficient water technology, and we are proud to integrate it into our custom homes. Here are some great ways we can make your home design use less water.

Faucets and Fixtures

One of the most basic ways to conserve water is through WaterSense approved fixtures and faucets. A voluntary program launched by the EPA. Exact facts and figures for different fixtures can vary, but showerheads are a good example of what to expect. A normal showerhead operates at 2.5 gallons per minute, whereas a WaterSense showerhead operates at 2. This may not seem like much, but over the course of a year can add up to 2,700 gallons!

These “low flow” fixtures use a variety of clever engineering techniques. Aerators are an easy way for engineers to spread less water over a greater surface area, maintaining pressure more efficiently.

Tankless Water Heaters

A very popular choice for new construction, tankless water heaters heat up water instantly and on-demand when you turn on the faucet. The advantages are more than just efficiency: there’s less wait time and you can’t “run out” of hot water.

The one disadvantage to some tankless water heaters is that multiple hot water sources may struggle to run simultaneously. This can be mitigated with multiple units or a single larger one.

Greywater Systems

One of the more cutting-edge techniques in the sustainable homebuilder’s arsenal is a greywater system. Greywater refers to all wastewater from your home that has not contacted feces or other hazardous waste. The system takes this dirty but still useful water and recycles it.

Greywater systems don’t produce drinking water, but they’re ideal for use in toilets and in landscaping to reduce your water bill and carbon footprint.

Looking to build a luxurious, energy-efficient custom home? Absolute Construction can help! We integrate bleeding-edge techniques, thoughtful design and elegant architecture into beautiful homes for clients across the Triangle. Contact us today to get started.