At Absolute Construction, we pride ourselves on sustainable, energy-efficient construction. Basements present some of the most challenging home construction projects, especially when it comes to saving you money on utilities! Here are some ways we build your basement efficiently and how you can keep it going for years to come.


Being underground, basements are natural magnets for moisture. Dehumidifying a basement is extremely important for both your comfort and for preventing mold growth and other long-term damage. HVAC systems also require more energy to cool moist air.

A dehumidifier is the way to go, but you want to make sure you choose one that’s energy efficient. Normal models don’t cut it; you need a dehumidifier specifically designed for basements due to their lower temperatures.

Proper Insulation

Insulation is critical, especially in a basement. For one, there’s moisture intrusion to worry about, which as stated above causes problems for your HVAC system. But there’s also extensive heat loss in a basement, compounded by the cooler temperatures underground.

In aboveground rooms, there’s typically just one layer of traditional insulation inside the walls, along with proper watersealing on the outside. In basements you often have both exterior and interior insulation. Exterior insulation, especially in new construction, is usually a combination of fiber cement board, foam, and a non-porous vapor barrier.


Most people like having windows in their basement to offer lighting. Natural light is a great way to lower energy costs, though this obviously depends on if your basement is completely or partially below ground. Many local building codes actually require egress windows as emergency access.

For purely decorative windows, you have plenty of options for better energy efficiency. Consider using Low-E, double-paned glass for maximum efficiency.

Pipe Wrapping

Got a water heater or pipes in your basement? Wrapping your pipes is an easy job for any DIYer. You can buy pre-measured foam liners at your local hardware store that effortlessly tape together around your pipes.

Depending on where you live, you may want to consider a water heater blanket, typically made of foam or reflective material. Depending on your tank’s R-value (the degree of insulation it provides) and if the area it’s in is heated, you can mitigate significant energy loss by insulating it.

Wrapping a water heater may also allow you to lower its temperature, improving its efficiency further.

Absolute Construction is a Pittsboro and Chatham County builder of luxurious, energy-efficient custom homes featured in some of the region’s premier communities. Contact us today to learn how we can build you a great home of your own!