Ipe (spelled ipe and pronounced “ee-pay”), also called Brazilian walnut, is a beautiful exotic wood from South America. Ipe wood structures are hard, strong, and naturally resistant to rot, abrasion, weather, and insects. It is almost twice as dense as most woods and up to five times harder. It is medium to darker brown in color, like a mahogany, so not only lasts a long time but has the beauty of a fine interior wood. If Ipe lumber is allowed to patina, color can be brought back to its original shade with the use a cleaner and brightener. Ipe wood lumber has become a very popular and inexpensive alternative to teak lumber.

Absolute Construction is a multi-year Parade of Homes Gold Medal winner in Chatham county North Carolina, who builds award winning custom houses in Pittsboro, Chatham County, NC specifically in Chapel Ridge.